Registrations Now Open - sign up anytime for just £19.99 and complete within 3 months of your start date!
Live in Derwentside?
Claim 1 of our 50 FREE places (funded by The Genesis Project) - use Project50 at checkout!!
In the North East our local football clubs are the heartbeat of our community, and it’s the passion of thousands of supporters across the region that has inspired the Heart of the North Challenge - a 266.3 tour of the 2nd oldest football league in the World!
Join us and run, walk or (pub) crawl our virtual route taking in the homes of World Cup winners and some of the oldest Football Clubs in Britain, whilst enjoying our amazing coastline and iconic landmarks through a fully immersive interactive map.
This unique challenge is open to all ages, so wherever you are in the world you can race against, or alongside family and friends whilst helping to raise essential funds for the British Heart Foundation - the charity that fights for every heartbeat.
Every participant will receive:
· Challenge Entry and access to interactive map to plot your progress
· A Stunning 70mm Medal (upon completion)
· Invitation to private Facebook community page here
· Fact Sheet for the stadiums on route
· Access to Strava group to motivate each other’s journeys
· Option to purchase exclusive T-Shirt and/or Couch-2-10k Training Plan
(£2 of every entry fee will be donated to the BHF)
Team fundraising through our designated page:

Strength & Conditioning Challenges
Take on a variety of Bodyweight and/or Strength Training challenges available in our Member’s Area here
Join a friendly community of like minded people and challenge each other (or yourself) for the chance to win Fit2The Core Training Systems spot prizes!!