About: Darren Cutler (ASCT)
A professional and experienced Fitness Coach and Sports Therapist, I have been a qualified Personal Fitness Trainer for over 20 years as well as being a UKSCA Accredited Strength & Conditioning Trainer.
Having experienced serious health problems, including undergoing open heart surgery in 1999, I have made it my personal mission to make elite level health & fitness training available to all!
I specialise in Sports Performance and Exercise Prescription for the Management of Disease, which allows me to work with a wide spectrum of clients ranging from those with health/mobility issues to semi-pro athletes including Football Players and Ultra Marathon Runners.
Fit2The Core Training Systems is grounded in scientific principles and I have studied Academic Qualifications to Diploma of Higher Education level in Psychology and Sports Science meaning you are guaranteed to receive THE highest level of expertise when you start your journey with us!!
Additional Professional Qualifications include:
Level 3 Sports Therapist Diploma
Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy
AFN Certified Diet Specialist
Advanced Sports and Exercise Nutrition Advisor
Sporty Paws Certified Canicross Instructor
FA Licensed Football Coach
Exercise Prescription for Management and Treatment of Disease
Thai-Bo Master Instructor
Mid-Section Trainer
Certified Self Defense Instructor
Tai Chi Chuan Instructor
I am also a published author with ‘The Shred: 6 Weeks to the Best Version of You’ available in paperback from Amazon and Waterstones, and ‘Periodization in Football’ available on Amazon Kindle. I am also the author and assessor of ‘Transformation Coaching’ for the British School of Yoga.
Check out our services here